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Additional Resources

This list is a representation of bits of blind knowledge our team has accumulated over the years. We will try to keep this current and send out updates from time to time.


Recommended Podcast Players

  • uCast: Around $5, has fantastic controls that can be customized so you can skip past commercials and such

  • Podcast Guru: Free, in our limited testing this player worked well, just not as well as uCast


Podcasts With a Blindness Perspective


Books About Blind People Excelling


Online Sources of Information and Material


Social Networks


Screen Readers and Magnification Software for PC Computers

  • JAWS can be downloaded for free here. (Note: It will not run completely for free, but you can use it for 45 minutes before you have to restart your computer to try it again. The yearly cost for JAWS is around $100.)

  • Freedom Scientific also makes screen magnification software called ZoomText, which can also be run in trial mode for 45 minutes.

  • NVDA is an open-source screen reader that will always be free and thus not have all the bells and whistles that JAWS contains. It is still a particularly good screen reader and can be used in place of JAWS for long stretches of time if necessary. NVDA can be downloaded here.



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