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2024 Reflections: Looking Back at FAFTB Triumphs Last Year

FAFTB Blog Header - 2024 Reflections: Looking Back at FAFTB Triumphs Last Year!
FAFTB Blog Header - 2024 Reflections: Looking Back at FAFTB Triumphs Last Year!

First Aid for the Blind had a number of wins last year! We saw our clients make amazing progress, and we made a lot of strides in the running of our organization.

Here’s a list of triumphs that our team compiled.

  • Hearing how client Ryan was able to implement many of the tools taught to him by FAFTB. Ryan lives on a small farm with many animals and was able to use the features of Seeing AI to help him perform tasks independently for the first time since losing his sight. For example, Ryan was walking around his land and taking photos for scene description. One query told him that a part of his fence line was broken, as a tree limb had recently fallen on it. Ryan did not know this until he leveraged these new tools to help mitigate his vision loss.

  • Becky, a former client, has continued her training by pursuing a CATAS certification to be able to teach Assistive Technology to low- and no-vision individuals. She was orginally unsure about her capabilities, but she is now building on her prior schooling and work experience in the technology field to take her career to a new level.

  • Rafael, a pro bono case, started socializing and making connections after being nearly homebound for two years during his slow loss of vision. Rafael felt isolated and alone. When going out to dinner with an FAFTB representative, Rafael engaged in conversation with the server. They spoke in animated Spanish for about ten minutes, after which Rafael told us that this other man was a family member he hadn’t seen in years. They had just made plans to catch up and hang out again. It was an exercise in courage for him and it paid immediate dividends.

  • FAFTB team members were able to get signed up for the Glide device from This new state-of-the-art mobility device will be available in September!

  • Possibilities have come up for FAFTB to grow internally and externally! We have plans to hire more experts to our staff and reach out to more medical professionals. There are a lot of opportunities to share our message so that no one is left feeling hopeless during a vision loss journey.

  • FAFTB has upgraded our digital recorder offerings from the simple Wilson recorder to either the Micro Speak or Zoom H1, depending on the expected needs for the client’s future. 

  • The FAFTB has tested the Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses and had an incredibly positive experience. The team has continued to stay current on the many amazing technology devices, many involving artificial intelligence, that have positively impacted the lives of blind and low-vision individuals.

These wins for our clients and our team members will propel us forward for another year of success! Thanks for sticking around to watch us grow. Your support means a lot, and we will pay it forward by supporting all blind and low-vision folks who need our help.


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